In the forever changing world, people are getting tired of working for others, having the lack of time to do the things they wish to do and basically wanting to earn enough to fulfil their needs - pleasures and leisure’s. As a result of this, it is surprising how many around the world are looking for an answer – an answer to resolve their dissatisfaction in life. Could pursing your Ideas Working From Home be the answer?

Do you ever feel whether the educational system has done us any favours? Yes they teach us the basic needs, and this is important. But is the system outdated? I heard something to suggest the educational system has been based on times of the industrial revolution. What is meant by this is that we are educated in such a way to do well at school so that we can pursue a job once we leave school – a job working for others. Yes you get paid for the hours you work, but ultimately it is your boss that is sitting there comfortable reaping the real benefits due to your labour.

Although the educational system is based on old ideas, this still suits the majority of people, in fact 97% of people. But what if you were in the 3% bracket and want to do something different. Not to follow what the majority are doing. What about if you were looking for a way to work for yourself, be your own boss and charge of your destiny?

Working for yourself or building a small business takes vision, commitment, effort, focus, tenacity, passion and so on. Let’s face it, these skills are not encouraged or taught at school. These are mindsets and strategies required to succeed in a business today. It is what the 3% of the population grasp and tackle with to become an entrepreneur. The other 97% of people just fit into the system that has been pulled over our eyes.  

‘Entrepreneurs dream of great ideas to build a business and with a dream start off as an underdog. However, those that follow the road less travelled will find new industries, enterprises and products. They will inspire those around them and push everyone’s levels to the highest possible achievement. They emerge no longer as an underdog, but someone who has a great standing. They stand up and are heard.’

For many, it will be uncomfortable to think of owning your own business due to our schooling and up bringing. However, we all have the ability to change and recondition ourselves to try something new and different. Saying this, it is not for the weak and the journey will be demanding and tough, but despite this, many are giving it a go.

Building a business at home is achievable but for many means new skills and to learn new skills means you need to be teachable. Regardless of age or background, how teachable are you? Are you willing to learn, unlearn and relearn? No new skills means no new money! You must have that hungriness in wanting to grow, then watch your business take off and reach new heights. Get away from the Victorian method of teaching and get serious to what will make a real difference to your life.

There is this saying ‘it’s what you learn once you know it all that counts’. Once you stop learning you stop leading. This is important as running your own business requires leadership skills and this is a separate topic for another day. So to learn means you need to be teachable and driven by desire.

‘Learn to Learn!’

In the space of being teachable, nothing is interesting unless you are interesting. Successful people learn differently to unsuccessful people. Make a difference to your business today. Don’t just sit there and tick over, learn the skills necessary to take your business forward. Learn how to leverage time v money. Be smart and do something right today.

Stand up and be heard. Become teachable and become a new person to take your business forward, become a true leader and a successful entrepreneur. Aspire to be the number 1 home business.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have produced a number of tutorials focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it. Surround yourself with positive people.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone to think about and start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. You can learn the value of having a vision, tenacity and a passion. You can follow some really simple techniques and the information available is free. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.